The better way

to SELL real estate

Sell your house fast

Avoid making needed repairs as we will buy houses 'as-is in TX

Avoid listing with an agent and paying thousands in commissions

Learn about ways to solve your real estate headache without any commitment

Want to find out how much you can get for your house?
Let US make you a no-obligation cash offer. Click "Get Started" below

Our Purpose

Here at Helping People Home our goal as a company is to help you sell your house fast so that you can focus on what's more important to you. We know what it's like to have a house be the first thing you think about each day...weighing on you. It's not fun.

We have a huge network of real estate experts as resources. This allows us to make you a fair offer and close as soon as you'd like, within 2 days if necessary! Forget about making ANY repairs, we will buy your home regardless of the shape it's in.

The Easiest Way To Sell Your Home

We believe the house selling process should be easier, faster, and more painless for Texas home sellers. If you’re serious about selling your house… we’re ready to give a fair all-cash offer.

Get a fair offer within 24 hours

Pick the date you want to close

Sell on your terms. Close quickly

Our Cash Offer Program

Our Cash Offer Program

Competitive cash offer within 24 hours

No Showings – No Hassles

You choose your closing day

We pay ALL closing costs

Zero fees. Zero commissions

We’ll cover any repairs

The Traditional Way

Listing your house with an agent

The months it takes to sell add up

Plenty of showings and disruption to your life

It takes forever to close

1-2% in closing costs paid by you, the seller

Fees and commissions stack up

You could be on the hook for repairs

What are the benefits of selling your house to us?

If you've tried to sell your house before with an agent or by yourself, you know how frustrating it can be to have to always be available to show the house and keep it clean.... Not to mention having to have complete strangers come through and pick your house apart.

Our Cash Offer Program

Our Cash Offer Program

Competitive cash offer within 24 hours

No Showings – No Hassles

You choose your closing day

We pay ALL closing costs

Zero fees. Zero commissions

We’ll cover any repairs

The Traditional Way

Listing your house with an agent

The months it takes to sell add up

Plenty of showings and disruption to your life

It takes forever to close

1-2% in closing costs paid by you, the seller

Fees and commissions stack up

You could be on the hook for repairs

We really are local and different

We're different! We're NOT real estate agents... We don't want to list your house or help you sell it , we want to buy your house. That's what is meant when we say that we buy houses. We are a legitimate house buying company.

Maybe the house and situation have been causing you stress and you don't even know where to begin. Even if you don't know the first thing about selling a house, with or without an agent, we can help. When we buy your house, we take care of everything for you...and we don't charge any fees or commissions!

Whatever reason you have for wanting to sell your house, we can help. We've been buying houses in Texas for many years and have seen it all. You can be assured that we will treat you with respect and do our best to help you, even if you don't sell us your house .

How it works

The process to sell your house fast is super simple.

Just give us a call at 469-833-4394

fill out the form at the top of the page and we will contact you.

Tell us about your house we’ll start analyzing your property.

We’ll make offers based on the market value and condition.

We’ll make offers based on the market value and condition.

You get to choose the selling option that suits to you

Why work with us here at Helping People Home?

Here are some of the reasons so many home sellers in Texas contact us to buy their house. We are here to help and offer a fast closing so that you can move on with your life.



We buy so many houses that we save money on closing fees and the contractor fees. This allows us to offer you more.


We pay cash which allows us to buy your house no matter what condition it is in.
Don't even think about fixing anything!



We don't charge any fees for our service. We simply just want to buy your house.



Avoid paying thousands of dollars to a real estate agent. They're not needed. We are your buyer. You don't need anyone to help you find a buyer.



Paying cash allows us to close super fast. If you want to close within a week, that's usually possible. If you need some time, no problem!



Paying cash is important. This allows us to skip the hoops banks make buyers go through. This is how we keep things simple.

What client say about us

I had been working two jobs to try to make ends meet, but I was still falling behind on my mortgage payments. I tried to work with my lender to modify my loan, but they refused. I was starting to lose hope. One day, I saw a flyer for Helping People Home. I called them and they were able to help me right away. This allowed me to sell my home for less than what I owed on the mortgage. I was able to keep some of the proceeds from the sale, and I didn't have to go through the foreclosure process. I'm so grateful for Helping People Home. They helped me to save my home and avoid foreclosure!!! I highly recommend Helping People Home to any property owner who is facing foreclosure.

Jeremy A.

After inheriting a run-down rental from my grandma, I was overwhelmed by nightmare tenants and endless repairs. That's when Helping People Home stepped in. They bought the property, handling all the issues swiftly.

Helping People Home made selling easy, offering a fair price and taking care of everything. Now, I'm free from the stress of property management. For any owner with property troubles, I can't recommend Helping People Home enough—they're lifesavers!

Jessica L.

Frequently Asked Question

What Happens After I Send You My Property Information?

We’ll take a look at the information that you provided and may contact you by phone to get additional details about your situation and the property that you want to sell. Then, after considering all of the specifics of your home, we’ll usually be able to come up with a fair and honest all-cash offer on your property that’s a win-win for both of us. And once you have an offer from our company, there’s no obligation whatsoever for you to accept it. We promise that the decision of whether or not to sell your home will always be totally left up to you. If you do decide to sell your home to us, the process will go fast and you even get to pick a closing date that fits your schedule!

How do you calculate cash offers for properties?

Our fast house buying process is not complicated. We analyze the most recent comparable home sales in the area where your property is located to get an estimate of its current value. Then we make adjustments to the price we can offer on your property based on its condition and any needed repairs. This is the best way to come up with a fair price to offer for your property, since home values constantly fluctuate based on local real estate market conditions.

How do you differ from real estate brokers and agents?

Real estate brokers and real estate agents make money off of property listings. They market your home, while locking you into an exclusive seller’s agent contract for 6-12 months in most cases, which is the average time that it takes to sell a home in many areas today. Their only goal is to make a total or partial commission on your home when and if it eventually sells, based on which agent finds a buyer for your property. With agent commissions averaging around 5%-6% of a home’s sales price, owners can easily lose thousands of dollars in the process of selling a home, when using an agent. But what’s worse is the prospect of a home that doesn’t sell.

Owners really take a hit, when they’re locked in a home selling contract, losing money on a property every month, that’s often located in a depressed housing market which is also probably worth much less than what they owe to the bank. Homeowners in dire situations like this really can’t afford to wait on a real estate agent to find a buyer for their home. That’s where professional property buyers like us come in. Our company can make an all-cash offer on your property and you can close the deal, pay off your mortgage and even possibly walk away with some much needed cash in your hand in a little as 7 days, instead of waiting months on end to get rid of your unwanted property. We’re not like traditional buyers who comb over a foot-long checklist when buying a property. We’re not looking for a home in a certain neighborhood, a certain school district or a certain location close to our job. We’re looking for properties with only one thing in mind: is it a good investment that we can quickly buy, repair and sell (or rent) for a profit?

Do you always make fair offers for houses?

If a house is not in need of extensive repairs we can make offers that are near full retail, but if the home has a lot of differed repairs we would need to receive a fair discount.  This allows us to fix up the property at our own expense and resell the property to new owners, while making a modest profit. We work with people in all kinds of situations who see the value in selling their property fast without commissions or costly repairs. Our company purchases real estate in a wide range of prices and helps owners get much needed cash out of their homes in the shortest amount of time, with no out-of-pocket expenses, which they commonly face when selling a house using an agent. The convenience and simplicity of selling your home to professional house buyers can’t be matched, when compared to the alternative of slowly going broke on a property while waiting for a buyer, possibly ruining your credit or getting sued, while being constantly stressed out by calls from bill collectors. We offer a winning solution for many property owners with limited options to otherwise liquidate the value in their homes. There’s never any pressure to accept our offer, so you can just walk away if the numbers don’t match up to your needs.

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